PSS Workshops 2014/15: Nawal Gebreel

Silk Painting at The Avenue, Belle Vale

Friday 20 June & Thursday 26 June 2014


Local textile artist, Nawal Gebreel, hosted a workshop with The Avenue in Belle Vale. The group used silk painting and printing techniques to make wall based artworks and scarves.

“The participants enjoyed the workshop, were enthusiastic to take part and wanted to be there. The work that they produced at the workshop gave them confidence to believe in themselves. The atmosphere was very friendly and happy. They even asked Anne, the Project leader if I could come again for another workshop.”

– Nawal Gebreel

The Avenue, Belle Vale, is one of several PSS Wellbeing Centres in South Liverpool and Liverpool City Centre. It provides recovery-focused mental health support to people experiencing the challenges of living with anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional distress.

PSS believe that everyone is creative and that creativity can play a powerful role in a person’s mental health and wellbeing; individuals are invited to attend craft courses to learn new techniques, strategies and skills with support from others.