PSS Workshops 2014/15: Rachael Howard

Screen-printing at Enable

Friday 28 March & Thursday 17 April 2014


Rachael Howard hosted stencil screen-printing workshops with PSS group Enable to celebrate 20 years of their service.

“I wish I could do this all the time.”

– Participant

“Fantastic, very interactive, brilliant.”

– Participant

“Both sessions were very successful.  The participants were delighted to be learning a new skill.  They produced screen-prints on fabric which were then made into a collaborative wall-hanging now displayed at the PSS building.”

– Rachael Howard

Enable supports people with learning, physical and mental health difficulties when out in their local community.

PSS believe that everyone is creative and that creativity can play a powerful role in a person’s mental health and wellbeing; individuals are invited to attend craft courses to learn new techniques, strategies and skills with support from others.