PSS Workshops 2014/15: Sian Hughes

Cyanotype Printing at the Umbrella Centre

Thursday 31 July & Thursday 7 August 2014


Sian Hughes hosted a cyanotype workshop where participants used personal items and early photography techniques to create unique artworks.

Participants explored how to make cyanotypes on paper – producing blue and white images using vacuum packs and a light box, and a range of materials including flowers, plants and lace. At the end of the workshops, the participants were able to collate their prints into a book, and selected one piece each to be framed.

“The group really enjoyed the opportunity to work with professional artists, this helps their creativity and to feel more valued. It was an opportunity for them to try something new, thus taking on challenges and learning new skills. The cyanotype workshops were well received from the group and Sian was great.”

– Wellbeing Project Worker, Umbrella Centre

The Umbrella Centre provides recovery-focused courses and creative approaches for those experiencing the challenges of living with anxiety, depression and emotional distress.

PSS believe that everyone is creative and that creativity can play a powerful role in a person’s mental health and wellbeing; individuals are invited to attend craft courses to learn new techniques, strategies and skills with support from others.