PSS Workshops 2015/16: Elizabeth Willow

Book Making at Women’s Turnaround Project

November 2015


Elizabeth taught the group how to create a set of simple and beautiful blank book forms, which could then be filled with content during the classes or afterwards.

Elizabeth wanted the books to represent a place where the participants could tell stories, reveal hidden secrets, write memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams. They made soft- and hard-backed books, including traditional pamphlets, origami-based flower and map books, and accordion or concertina books. Participants were taught how to manipulate paper including folding, tearing and basic stitching techniques, which they practiced. They used ordinary tools to create extraordinary objects.

“Learning to make books was such fun.”

– Participant

“I’m very proud of what I’ve made.”

– Participant

“I feel healed, thank you. Come back to aid our healing process.”

– Participant

“It was a rewarding group to teach… On one level we were just making small things out of paper and yet in other ways the activity allows us to feel creative, to achieve something, to be proud of what we’ve made, to talk, to listen. ”

– Elizabeth Willow

Women’s Turnaround Project is a service for women in Merseyside who have offended in the past, based at the Isis Centre in Kirkdale.

The Turnaround Project was developed to support women involved in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and for women at risk of offending. The centre’s main aim is to help prevent women from reoffending and help their service users make better choices through holistic support designed to support the whole family.

Women get access to a whole range of practical and emotional support to help break down any barriers to reform they may be experiencing.