PSS Workshops 2015/16: Sian Hughes

Cyanotype Printing at The Avenue, Belle Vale

May 2016


Sian taught the group how to create cyanotype prints, with the aim of making a simple book at the end in which to display the pieces made in the sessions. They made a variety of images using light and chemicals, and explored using different techniques – such as stencils and layering – to create a range of effects. There was great excitement at the process, the results and the possibilities for exploration.

Following the initial session, many participants brought materials they had collected in the intervening weeks to the sessions to use in their prints, including plants, wool, pens and acetate.

In addition to the book, each participant chose a piece for framing and these works were displayed in a mini exhibition at the end of the workshops.

Sian left the unexposed papers that had been prepared for the project with the group for them to explore later.

“Please come back, this is magic!

– Participant

The Avenue, Belle Vale, is one of several PSS Wellbeing Centres in South Liverpool and Liverpool City Centre. It provides recovery-focused mental health support to people experiencing the challenges of living with anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional distress.

PSS believe that everyone is creative and that creativity can play a powerful role in a person’s mental health and wellbeing; individuals are invited to attend craft courses to learn new techniques, strategies and skills with support from others.