The Life Rooms 2019/20: Simon Shaw

Simon Shaw’s ceramic workshops taught participants how to make decorative vessels using coiled ceramic building techniques. Over the course four weeks, participants were able to make a vessel to a size and shape of their design, add embellishment and detail, and finally glazes. The final pieces were then fired by Simon.

“[I] feel privileged to be part of the class. Simon is really helpful and I feel very honoured to be given the opportunity to learn from him. It has really improved my health and well being and given me a new creative burst.”

– LRRC Walton participant

Simon led one workshop with clients at the inpatient unit at Clock View Hospital. Participants began building small pots using the coiling technique, which they were able to continue with the hospital’s Occupational Therapists following the session.

“It’s very relaxing, isn’t it.”

– Clock View Hospital participant

“The Life Rooms sessions went particularly well. It was the second course I had run at the venue… There were both new and returning participants and the group dynamic was good. Requests were made for more courses (both ceramics and other). All in all I felt it a very rewarding, productive course for client group, staff and myself.”

– Simon Shaw