Maggie’s Wirral Centre 2022: Jo Williams

Maggie’s Wirral

12 September – 24 October 2022

Jo Williams led a series of six 2-hour workshops for Maggie’s service users living with cancer, and their family and friends.

Participants were able to make a range of functional and decorative items such as pinched and coiled bowls and mugs. As the workshops progressed, participants tried more techniques including slab built vessels decorated with plants and flowers from the Maggie’s garden.

Jo provided coloured underglazes and slips for participants to decorate their pieces, before taking them away to be fired with a clear glossy glaze and returning them to Maggie’s for collection.

“It’s so theraputic.”

“Everyone needs an outlet – something you can loose yourself in.”

“We’re all doing the same thing but ending up with something completely different!”

– Participants at Maggie’s Wirral

“It’s a lovely class with a mix of people who just want to relax and play and some who want to learn new techniques. New people often come because the staff think they would benefit… Somehow, using clay seems to facilitate connections and communication with others too and everyone chats and are supportive of each other.”

– Jo Williams