The Life Rooms 2022/23: Jo Williams

Clockview Hospital

23 March – 20 July 2023

Jo Williams led a series of 12 x workshops with in-patients from the Psychiatric Unit at Clockview Hospital in 2023.

Jo offered patients several different options for working with clay during her sessions, allowing them to choose which activity they would like to do. Jo provided a general introduction and demonstration at the start of each session, and then worked one-on-one with the participants, demonstrating specific techniques and allowing them to experiment with support. Techniques included pinched, coiled and moulded pots, and carved and stencilled decoration on pre-prepared tiles and pots.

Jo was originally comissioned for a 5 x week residency, however her workshops proved so popular with the patients that her residency was extended for an additional 7 x weeks.

” I love being in the art room – it feels lively and you can express yourself here.”

– Clockview patient

“I like arty stuff.”

– Clockview patient

“The impact on the patients has been huge.”

– Clockview staff member

“It was joyful to see someone visibly relax when they had made something and were happy with it… I felt that my confidence increased when I reflected on the session every week and thought of new ideas appropriate to the group I worked with.

– Jo Williams