2023 Artist Residency: Verity Pulford

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

7 March – 27 June 2023

During her residency with the Teenage & Young Adult (TYA) Unit at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Verity Pulford introduced patients and staff to various 2D techniques including working with watercolours, carbon paper printing and decorating glass tiles, using nature, the figure and mandalas as themes.

Verity’s residency covered 12 x weeks, working with the young adults attending the TYA ward. The workshops enhanced the participants’ experience of day visits and longer hospital stays by distracting them from their treatments, inspiring them to interact with art in the present and the future, enabling them to feel pride in accomplishments and connecting them with other patients, parents and staff on a personal and more level arena.

The work produced was both taken home and displayed in the dayroom of the ward.