Anna Howarth
Material: Mixed Media | Location: UK
I assemble narratives that explore contrasting themes: the visible and the invisible, light and shadow.
I recently discovered paper artists and shadow puppetry which reminded me of my own childhood memories and which re-awakened some of the more obscure emotions that lay within me. This inspired me to develop my art practice using the medium of paper.
My work is naive in style and depicts female figures, imaginary landscapes and inanimate objects. I try to create magical pictures that imply notions of childhood, the feminine, fantasy and the mundane.
I am interested in exploring the unconscious, dreams, symbolic imagery, archetypes, fairy tales, and the sacred in nature. There is also a connection with northern European fairy tale and folklore imagery. These preoccupations are a thread, which loosely connect all my work and relate to ideas normally associated with the psychology of the unconscious.