Mike Badger – In the Window, July 2022

July 2022


We are delighted to announce that sculptor Mike Badger is creating a new installation for our window for the month of July.

Mike Badger (born Liverpool, 1962) presents his new collection of recycled tin and found metal sculpture. Always a fan of B-Movie and 1950s Americana this collection is inspired by the post-nuclear space race that pervaded the world Mike grew up in as a child. The message is as simple as the work created, a fun take on our need for resourcefulness, the reinterpretation of everyday objects and the thrill of a new dimension created when something is simply turned on its head.

“The creative mind is insatiable in many ways and you will use whatever you can get your hands on, it doesn’t mean anything less because it’s had a previous life – in fact it means more, it’s very simple.”

– Mike Badger, The Art of Litter (BBC Radio 4)

 “A collection of Survivalist Junkyard Fetishism.”

– The Guardian

A selection of Mike’s work will also be available to purchase through our online shop.